Most capitalOur Strategy

Higher returns
with lower risks

We aim to deliver returns equal to or higher than
the S&P 500 with lower risk and deviation.

About Most Capital

We`re an eclectic investment management firm. Our systematic, risk-oriented investment approach is based on best-in-class scientific, economic, and empirical financial research.

We`re devoted to sustainably producing exceptional returns for our investors through advanced risk management.

Interception of financial theory, technology and acumen

Alex and Slava Mostovski, twin brothers, have been together in trading and investment management since 2013 after studying physics and economics. They built and managed the portfolios, based on post-Modern Portfolio Theory with Tactical Asset Allocation and advanced Risk Management. However, it wasn`t enough, since investors wanted a new approach that would address the following points.
Alex and Slava Mostovski, twin brothers, have been together in trading and investment management since 2013 after studying physics and economics. They built and managed the portfolios, based on post-Modern Portfolio Theory with Tactical Asset Allocation and advanced Risk Management. However, it wasn`t enough, since investors wanted a new approach that would address the following points.

  • Fear of a market crash. Dealing with systematic risk, they want to either protect against a market crash or significantly minimize its impact.
  • Maximizing returns while minimizing risk in all economic conditions.
  • Market adaptation. They want to have a portfolio that takes advantage of uptrends and avoids downtrends.
  • Reduction or elimination of the “Human Risk” Element. Actions based on human judgments inject a massive risk element into the MPT-based investing process. These risks include the use of bad data, incorrect analysis, cognitive biases and even scams and fraud.
  • Simplicity and control. They want clear and understandable risk management as well as flexibility and control over their investments.

Since 2017 Alex and Slava have been addressing the needs and problems above. As a result of a numerous amount of deep researches and endless testing, there has been developed and proven a quantitative model that's become Most Capital's flagship investment product. In November 2018 the model has been applied with real funds by an institutional investor as well as all personal funds of the brothers. After that, given the demand for our strategy and the results, it's become clear that we've found ourselves. This is how Most Capital was founded in May 2019.

Easy to work with us

1.5% - 2%
We charge only 1.5% - 2% of the total assets under our management per year on a quarterly basis proportionally.

There are no hidden fees.
3-Month Trial
Try our strategy for one month free of charge. This will give you time to ensure we're a good fit for you.
Control and transparency
We invest through your dedicated brokerage account that's completely under your control. You can wire your funds to our brokerage account as well.
Maximal Flexibility
There are no lockup periods. You can take your funds back instantly whenever you wish without notice and without any penalty commissions.

Your money is yours.